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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour on friday president obama nominated his choice to lead the world bank is the nomination of jim yong kim signal a new direction for the world bank and the global economy also the coney twenty twelve social media campaign to show the world the suffering and violence going on in uganda there are other groups that are already helping these young people and can do more and it's a once daily take some of the regulars zombie thatcher are fighting into the wallets of the middle class i believe protect ourselves these money hungry monsters
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. in the us to the rest of the news need jim yong kim a korean born physician who's devoted his life to improving health care around the world he was formerly the chair of the department of global health and social medicine at harvard medical school and co-founder of the organization partners in health currently kim is the president of dartmouth college and he's about to get a major promotion on friday obama announced that kim is president obama's nominee to be the next to the world bank so might the nomination of kim a man who's worked in medicine and not finance in a new direction for the world bank ever james joins me now she's the director of international programs of the washington d.c. based center for equal. making policy research ever walkable thank you so much so
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good to have you here with us first of all just the start of a nation requires some confirmation no it doesn't it just ok but that's good news. so what's your read on this guy on this nomination is actually very exciting if you know the history of the world bank all of the past presidents have been u.s. nominations and they have been several times in the past except rich areas of defense such as robert mcnamara and just recently paul wolfowitz as well as most of our major banks are represented from j.p. morgan chase goldman sachs and bank of america ex presidents of those banks have all been heads of the world bank so the idea of nominating somebody who actually has a history of working on the ground and countries like rwanda and haiti to actually deliver primary care to poor people instead of a history in banking and finance or making war is actually a substantial step forward it's a huge step forward and i don't think most americans realize why or what the world
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bank you know they think of it as maybe some kind of super for regular money supply or something it's got nothing to do with the world bank was created to do some very egalitarian very. very high minded things you talked about the idea and if you look on the world bank's website it says you know united and poverty or something along those lines it gives loans to developing countries around the world it's supposed to be working to end poverty and you know extensively to do things like reach the millennium development goals unfortunately during the early eighty's it was sort of taken over like most of the world in our country certainly by this reagan i that's right neo liberal washington consensus model and so from that time on really it engaged in giving loans to developing countries unfortunately the loans were oftentimes siphoned off into gigantic infrastructure projects. a lot of times displacing peasants from their land or not
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delivering the service that they were intended to sometimes was a lot of corruption involved both on the side of the lender and the receiving country governments and now those countries are saddled with those debts that they still have to pay back after all these years for example even now there is big opposition in countries like south africa and kosovo two gigantic coal fired power plants that the world bank is funding even today so this is really an institution that needs a sea change it is much more focused on ensuring basic public health care basic free education and sharing clean water supply to the eight hundred million people around the world who don't even have access to clean drinking water and hopefully the u.s. nominee or one of the two developing country candidates we don't know who's going to be the president so we'll be able to help as well as that bottom up pressure that's been happening from the impact of communities for so many decades who've been pushing for change so in the minute we have all of this is president obama's
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nomination or nominee there are two other nominees how is the decision so yes the decision is made by the twenty four executive directors of the world bank so some countries like the u.s. have their own executive director representation many countries are in a group and those directors will decide over the next month they also have. who is the current nigerian finance minister she is a past executive director of the world bank and has a very long record on these issues and also jose antonio who is a very well known development economist and is the past finance minister of his country colombia so we hope that the best candidate will win and now we're just really glad it's not going to be a banker and before they see what is the right and for enlightenment we'll keep an eye on this whole thing to see who fills this critical position overseeing the global economy the fact that it may not be of banks through should be grounds for some optimism. so sometimes you know what you know and sometimes you know what you
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don't know and sometimes as the firesign theater says everything you know is wrong and. you know you're right. that you're right. and you go it is. one of my first personal experiences with international relief work was working in uganda during right during and right after the war against india i mean in one thousand nine hundred eighty one this is a nation that's been to our own back put its early release of the now viral coing two thousand and twelve video a couple weeks ago if you people in the world thought much about what was going on in uganda it for over three decades that nation has been a near constant is that a civil war and the world has let it go largely unnoticed however there are some groups like the north that have been in uganda for years you can help those affected most by the violence so if you think that the county two thousand and twelve social media campaign is the only way to help the people of uganda and
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everything you know is wrong joining me now is actress mary louise mary louise parker a hope north donor and supporter and okello sam founder and director of north uganda welcome to both of you thank you thank you thanks for joining us oh in your own words can you briefly describe what's led to the current situation you're gonna. be moving i would say it is. really oh i'm. going to break now it's appropriate to. the cold war syndrome. but what is something the stunt people are beginning to struggle with it was certainly. and mary louise parker why do you think the american media mostly stays away from covering violence in africa. that's such a good question and i think what you said is really important is that there is there has been so little attention there and i mean i'm really not the right person
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to ask obviously i am an actress as to why the media would focus you know or settle on one area more than another but i think that one of the positive results of this video going so widespread is that it's brought some real attention there and also it's engendered a kind of sense of helplessness and people that can really it can cause them to act you know if you want to do something and want to help and you want to do something it's ways and you know supporting those sorts of our kids who can do something about that is. ok well how did your personal history influence your decision to stir north and what exactly was hope for you. i thought was one of the. children of god did it in the bedroom and. my younger brother was abducted and god was in the beginning all hold most dear it was
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a bet that my younger brother. showed big human being. when you killed my brother i didn't realize that actually on little children like my brother had with him baby i'm there will need it's things that will bedtime and space battles more secure and that is why i decided to. solve the old good night to allow young people like my brother was killed. well with the mold and i'm somewhere where because she didn't pursue deadly creation it is safe it is there where the good and protected from the evils of war over this and mary louise parker what was made you get involved with helping or . chris talbot a friend of mine who works with another organization that i have been involved with that i love called half or half are proper he introduced me to ocala he thought
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that we would connect and we did and in fact he's feels like part of my family now he had thanksgiving at my house and he's going to come and visit me and my children this summer and. he's just an incredibly charismatic person who's doing something really just it's a direct line to help you know and it really takes a little so if i can just say you know for the first of twenty five time i hope north or if you go there you can see what the school is about and how he's offering these kids say an education and really you know even ten dollars homes it's just it's just a way of giving people sort of them are a more piece driven solution to the problem and you can learn more about and you can donate or north or okello do you think that the county twenty four video is beneficial to your quote. if you see the as you think
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there will be what was shown here you got the idea to be actually like the reaction was not very. big before you'd been through storms that didn't well was trying to view the second reaction was a lot of this is good and i think. i would go with the second option with a scene that did at least. the. review . or hello you're yes you're with your voice is breaking up there mary louise parker what else can americans do in addition to going to help north out or to help those affected by the violence in uganda i think just being aware of the cause and knowing the stories of these children because i think once you know their stories and what they've gone through i mean it's so unspeakably
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tragic that you see what they need and actually how little it takes to help them and really what these children need right now is safety and protection and to know that they're protected and as he said the school is protected by the nihilism forty acre campus and my children actually asked him because we're going to go there you know how how how are we safer and he said well it's an iowa city you know it's filled with crocodiles and he he's just he's created. a place for these children where they know that they're going to be taken care of and that they have they have hope they have a future but there's really nowhere else for them to be now it's more almost mary louise parker ok sam thank you both for being with us thank you thank you joan and now everything you know about helping the people of uganda is right. coming up in today's daily take zombies normally feast on human flesh but now they're rising
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from the dead and biting into the middle class i'll tell you how we can send him back to their graves after the birth. we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until the truth. i'm a contestant i am a girl get a princess i love rap and hip hop music i'm pretty sure. he was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the world with its place.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm trying hard to look at the big picture. for. a. few.
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crazy lord that's not mark and that was the reaction of i made three enco i kazakhstani shooter who won a shooting contest in kuwait over the weekend after winning the event in a podium goes stepped up to the goal better platform on the podium and expected to hear because it's to be played but instead he stood with surprising composure as the. kazakhstani anthem made popular by the hit where we rap was played there to work. who they have phantom is incredibly offensive to the people of kazakhstan and jokes
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about the number of prostitutes in the country among other things after realizing the mistake organizers of the event really ran the medal ceremony and played the correct national anthem i guess in something like this happens you just have to take it in and smile just like misses me to me pretty and eventually did the job. your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments rants and observations about anyone talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show my first comment and i comes from bob in philadelphia here's what he had to say on encouraging people to get involved in big action. philly signal i'm watching a show on time and i'm something a little frustrated because you know you've come up a lot of great issues
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a lot of great things but we have to have some follow up some of the issues that you talk about you know floors gaining any kind of. peace you know these rich one percenters i mean you know it's constantly saying the best things that's being done against this but we never get anything done for us so somehow we got to get we got to get things in motion you know. but i don't think any any satisfaction from any of the groups. ok i just want to. thank. you. ok bob thanks for your comments and obviously you've been paying attention good on you for that but here's my simple solution get off your butt. there you know who are the most powerful people
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in america are it's not the president it's not members of congress it's precinct committee persons in the in the democratic or republican party they're the ones who determine the platform of the party they're the ones who pick who are going to be the nominees in the primaries and when you can set up who's going to be in the primary you end up controlling who gets elected show up at one of your local political parties and say i'm here i want to volunteer we get to put a new big picture flag on our map that i because our last comment comes from one of our international viewers in south korea cabot posted this on our tom foreman dot com message boards page american working in south korea wealthy booming country with medical per all ships are lined up to ship our exports our taxes support twenty five thousand u.s. troops to protect us a bottle of california wine sells for what four times what it does in the usa you know this is what happened south korea in nineteen in the one nine hundred sixty s. or early one nine hundred sixty s. south korea's average per capita income the average per person income was about
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five hundred fifty dollars per year they were cast really poor their major exports were human here for wigs and fish. and the government came in and said it was go it was it was actually military dictator but he took over and said ok we are going to protect our economy he put in tariffs on imported goods he encouraged domestic industries and now south korea is a major power because they did in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's what we did from eight hundred seventy eight until reagan came along with now we're undeveloped and they're worried about we need to take a lesson from south korea that's it for your take my take tonight if you'd like your comments or questions for in this segment the big picture. we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at heartland dot com you can also leave
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a message on our rant line at two two by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the air. that's the good the bad of the very very some no loquacious silly ugly the good jiang suzyn china ching group a group one of china's top twenty private enterprises handed out three hundred kilos of gold and three hundred kilos of silver last weekend to the nearby three thousand residents of chiang village but this extraordinary gesture isn't the first for this group in previous years the group has built houses for villagers and distributed company shares and they. were thought a corporation giving out money helping a community rather than destroying it i see some companies that will still care about the people and not just the bottom line the bad karl rove last week rose
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crossroads g.p.s. super pac spent a lot the six hundred fifty thousand dollars on t.v. ads they claim president obama is responsible for the rising cost and. yes with course this is a false statement because in reality we discussed on the show last week president doesn't control gas prices that's that's the speculators of wall street who do better now if the crossroads g.p.s. in the super pacs are controlling political discussions in this country but that they're spending thousands hundreds of thousands of dollars spreading lies as well are the more reason to overturn citizens. and the very very ugly ricky santorum santorum campaign released an ad over the weekend the briefly replaces a picture of a rainy and president mahmoud ahmadinejad with a picture of president obama is still shot of obama appears just as the narrator is talking about a sworn american enemy force the santorum cain campaign released a statement saying they were confused by their own ad and weren't sure why obama
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was using their own ad as if comparing the president the united states to a dictator wasn't enough the ad manages to incite those who believe that the president is a muslim he said clearly was not a mistake it's pushing religious bigotry and a racist message that has no place in the american political process and is very fair. zombies normally feast on human flesh but zombie reagan and zombie factor. they feast on the middle class more than thirty years ago margaret thatcher and ronald reagan rose to power in the u.k. and the us preaching
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a bizarre economic idea based on devouring social safety net programs and redistributing that wealth to the very very top because they said it would one day trickle down on the rest of us in those thirty years none of that wealth is trickle down and this so-called economic theory more like a religion created by a deranged prophet than milton friedman has been proven to be a result of being you know a failure that's only done one thing to make the already rich mindbogglingly richer then again that may have been the point all along reaganomics has produced wealth inequality in the united states not seen since before the great depression and it disappearing middle class but the median income in america now just a bit above twenty six thousand dollars a year but despite the overwhelming evidence the reagans and thatcher's bizarre economics are doing incredible damage to both economies across the pond and here and they should they should put to sleep and buried it continues to rise again and
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again and again just like the un did today we see it in two very similar budgets in the us in the u.k. one is being pushed by the republican budget chairman paul ryan in the u.s. you know who should be is on the outside the one who's been closed but they had a finance in the u.k. known as the chancellor of the exchequer george osborne. now we know a paul ryan wants to do he wants to kick her where to go here is he wants to kick fourteen million disabled elderly and impoverished americans off medicaid cut off their health insurance for millions tens of millions of americans and get rid of medicare as we know it and handed over to the for profit health insurance industry leaches all of that to suck thirty three trillion dollars out of the hands of working people and hand it off to the top one percent in the form of a massive three to thirty three trillion dollars massive three trillion dollar tax cut he gets three reagan zombie stars for his efforts but not to be outdone and not
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to diminish the influence of zombie thatcher zombie george or worse was born is also getting a game of stealing from the poor to give to the rich i was born just released a new budget in austerity written britain it would cut the tax rate for britain's three hundred thousand wealthiest citizens by cutting the pension plans of more than four point four million senior citizens essentially cutting their version of social security was born budget also helps pay for a massive british tax cut for the rich with a ten billion pound cut to welfare programs that's an addition to the painful cuts that have already been inflicted on social programs in the u.k. that led to days of rioting all across london so for is full of grace a factor nomics i was born gets three zombie thatcher stars we call it a tie since the middle class is equally screwed on both sides of the pond. but to put it in dollar terms just how badly screw the middle classes consider this the
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amount of middle class wealth that's been feasted on by zombie reagan here in the united states and regurgitated up the wealthiest americans works out to about a trillion dollars a year every year for the past thirty years again reagan's bizarre zombie economics have swindled the middle class out of more than one trillion dollars every single year for the last thirty years no wonder why the middle class has collapsed so badly since nine hundred seventy and we all about extra money courtesy of zombie reagan here in the united states and zombie thatcher in the u.k. the super rich are buying political power to keep their zombie doctrines arriving well there are forty nine million americans and forty six million americans on food stamps fifty three million americans without health insurance four hundred american
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billionaires four hundred people now have more wealth than the bottom one hundred fifteen million americans come. this is an economic catastrophe and it's exactly what you'd expect when you look zombies run the economy real wealth is created by working people who make things correct paychecks and buy things that was basic economics until the zombies came around so it's time to say enough is enough it's time to roll back the reagan tax cuts once and for all and bury zombie reagan and zombie thatcher and their zombie overlord milton friedman for good or they could never terrorize the middle class again with their zombie economics. and so for the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website hartman dot com free speech dot org dot com also check out our two you tube channels for once it's. also not on each other all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins when you show up
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and participate begins with you get out there get active tag your. be official. called talk show from the. video. she's mine. and. you want.
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to. call. it. he. says. limitless .


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